We are all leaders. All of us.

It doesn’t have to be grandiose or elevated all of the time. It can be every tiny moment of every day. And it is how we choose to lead that makes the difference. We lead our children, our peers, each other and we have an impact on others every day whether we realize it or not.

In 2010, Drew Dudley gave a fantastic TED talk on Everyday Leadership, where he used the phrase “lollipop moment” to describe a story and a moment where he made a difference in someone’s life in a seemingly mundane way, without him knowing it. But it was huge for the girl he affected.

How many of you guys have a lollipop moment, a moment where someone said or did something that you feel fundamentally made your life better? All right. How many of you have told that person they did it? See, why not?  -Drew Dudley

I remember the feeling when someone told me that I made their life better and I had not realized it. That moment, learning about my impact, has stuck with me forever. I once received a thank you card (a nice one from the shelf, not even the box) from an employee with whom I worked that had gone through some difficult times and suffered depression while we worked together. I often did the right thing for her, but sometimes unpopular with others. The note that she wrote expressed that I had saved her life. I will always keep and remember that card.

So whose life have you changed? And who has changed your life for the better? There is no pressure to change someone’s life because, I promise, you have already done it. Just by being you. I encourage you to think about one person you have affected and thank yourself for being a leader when you weren’t even trying. And then think of one person who has changed you, and tell them. A text, a Facebook message, a handwritten note, or in person will do. They will remember that you told them.

How do you create belonging at work?

We go to work for more than a paycheck, we go for a sense of belonging. So what does belonging look like? Get the Belonging Resource Guide to learn new ideas on how individuals, leaders, and organizations can help people feel safe, loved and whole at work.

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