The “Huh” moment is the reason why I love coaching. I am referring to the moment the coach asks just the right question that the client stops, thinks, and then says, “huh!” as if something new just occurred to them. And that is because something new did.

It is a great moment to experience as a coach, because you know you have tapped into something important. The amount of silence (and therefore the amount of contemplation) that follows your question helps you know that you asked the right question. As a coach, I am of course not immune to these moments as the client. In fact, my coach helped me discover a whole new way of looking at something this week that was previously really a block for me. Here is how it went.

I shared with my coach that I really struggled with a certain relationship in my life. The next questions he asked were, “What do you need from her?” and “What does she need from you?” I imagined that what she needed from me was validation and acknowledgement that I really heard and saw her. And then he asked, “Have you considered using some of your coaching skills with her as a different approach?” And BOOM. There it was. The moment where I stopped, thought for a moment in silence, and uttered, “huh!” I am a coach, for goodness sake, why didn’t I think of that?

That moment can change your whole perspective and course of action, I know mine did. All of the sudden, an interaction that I was stressing about became one that I looked forward to with energy. It is so simple, but very effective.

If you aren’t sure what coaching could do for you, consider the aspirations you have had in mind, perhaps that have gone unfulfilled for a long time. Then, imagine what it would feel like to accomplish those things, and what you would gain for doing so. And imagine those blocks you have; that if you could just have a “huh” moment, you could fly past into so much more potential. This is real stuff, people. I am thankful for the opportunity to coach and witness the “huh” moment; I encourage you to find yours.

Are you ready for a coach? Let’s talk.

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